September 29th, 2017
Council Bill 119093 is scheduled for a Full Council vote on Monday Oct. 3rd at 2pm in Council Chambers at City Hall. The purpose of this legislation is to encourage more housing and pedestrian friendly development in the C1, C2 and NC3 designations within the boundaries of the Aurora Licton Urban Village (ALUV). The goals […]
Posted: September 29th, 2017 under
Councilmember Juarez.
September 6th, 2017
Yesterday the Seattle City Council voted unanimously in favor of Council Bill 118971, legislation I was proud to co-sponsor in response to community requests to reform our city’s vacant building regulations. Seattle has seen a significant uptick in hazardous vacant buildings, which can pose serious risks to neighbors, transient occupants, and the first responders who […]
Posted: September 6th, 2017 under
Councilmember Juarez.